To be considered for membership, applicants are required to attend a minimum of two meetings before being voted into membership and have written sponsorship of two SEKC members who have been members for at least one year and who are "Active" members.
Download and print our Membership Application...
Or, complete the Online Membership Application and either pay now with a card or send in a check.
We have two levels of membership for the Sioux Empire Kennel Club and they are
1) active membership or 2) associate membership. As stated in the Constitution and Bylaws, Section 5:
Active Membership Benefits and Privileges. Active Regular and Household membership benefits and privileges (including eligibility to vote, hold office, and access the Club training facilities) are contingent upon attending at least two (2) Club Membership meetings, or volunteering and working at least one Club event (annual dog show, any other AKC companion or performance event or related training session) within each calendar year. Voting members who participate at a less involved level, unless excused by the Board of Directors, shall accept and acknowledge their change of membership from Active to Associate. All written requests for excusal will be considered by the Board of Directors.
As a point of clarification, Club events would not only include trials (obedience, agility, scent work or fall show), it would also include teaching and/or helping with classes (for the full class), moving in and/or out of the building before and after the fair. Attendance at every event is tracked so that we have accurate information as to club member participation. If you have any questions as to your attendance/participation, please feel free to contact a member of the Board and we will get that information for you.
SEKC Board Meetings are held approximately eight times a year.
General membership meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Old MacDonald's Farm building on the W.H. Lyon Fairgrounds except July, August and December.
Guests are always welcome to attend general membership meetings and to volunteer at our events!
New member dues received between August 1 and October 31 are one-half of the annual dues. After November 1, full price dues will be applied to the following year.
Thereafter, dues must be paid before December 31st of each year.