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Caribou Coffee

January 6 - 7:00 p.m.

Present at the meeting were Paula Spielman, Kris Hurst, Dee Isakson, Beth Cummings, Jo Harder, Dave Nielsen, Brian Schafer, Tammie Smart, Cindy Bailey.

There was a motion by Kris Hurst to approve the December minutes which was seconded by Dee Isakson. Motion carried.

President’s Report

Paula announced that her brother-in-law figured out how to change the combination for the clubhouse. It will be changed before next week’s membership meeting. She will e-mail the combination to those people who have paid for it plus the class instructors.

Paula is getting a sign laminated with the emergency phone numbers. Numbers will be listed for Paula, Dave Nielsen, and Tim at the fairgrounds.

Paula announced that we don’t have a working phone. We have voice mail but no working port. Midcontinent has raised their price of $20/month + $5 for voice mail to $40/month. Brian suggested Century Link. Discussion followed and it was decided to cancel our voice mail account. Dee will call Midcontinent.

Secretary’s Report

There was a new member reading for Jackie Potter.

Treasurer’s Report

Dee reported that we have made $140.49 for the year. She said there are still checks coming.

Old Business

Website – Tammie Smart will be helping Megan with the old website. Megan heard from the person setting up the new website and it’s almost done. He wants pictures of dogs from the members. The pictures are the last thing for setup. Pictures should be sent to Megan.

Beth agreed to be listed on the website as the contact for general information.

Facebook – Paula asked if anyone could put anything on the kennel club Facebook page. Discussion followed. Brian will check on who can post.

Classes – Kris would like to eliminate the vet signature from the registration paperwork.

Brian’s class has 7 students, Sally Marum’s class has 7, Conformation has 4, Mike’s class has 4, and the puppy class has 5 or 6. Discussion followed regarding who gets free classes.

We still need a Class Coordinator.

The Star Puppy class will be moved to the Fundamentals class. Sally Marum and Cindy Bailey are in the process of applying to be CGC evaluators.

Class Policies - The bordatella requirement will be changed to a recommendation. The telephone number needs to come off because there will not be a phone. The refund policy also needs to come off. It was also decided to remove policies #7, 8, 9, 10 & 11.

Brian asked if there would still be a skills test. It was decided that the skills test would not fit with the new class format.

Seminars – Two seminars have been scheduled for this spring/summer:

  • Introduction to Nose Work - April 11-12. Working spots (10 available) will be $200 for the 2 days and auditing spots will be $50 for 1 day or $75 for both days.

  • Obedience – June 13-14. There will be no auditing spots. Every dog will work. The full cost of the seminar will be $2,000 plus expenses. It was suggested to charge $150 for the 2 days.

Summer Obedience – Brian has the judges for the summer obedience trial. He mentioned that there was some equipment that he would like to purchase for the trial, including rally #s, bowls (4) with covers ($34.96 at J&J), a set of #s to clip to the sign holders ($29.99), and 7 unnumbered cones. It was decided to order the numbers and bowls but to see if we could find the cones locally.

Agility Trial – No report.

Building – Dave mentioned that he will be keeping the same cleaning schedule that Barry had. He will be checking out vacuums. Kris mentioned that her brother has one that he will give us if it works. Paula asked Dave to make a list of tools we need.

Pins for Titles – Discussion was held regarding whether or not to continue giving pins for new titles. Pam Bethke has the pins, so Paula will e-mail her to make arrangements to get them.

Compilation – As soon as Dee has the books together, Paula will get everything over to the CPA.

New Business

Banquet – There are no definite plans yet, but Kris needs someone to help her.

PR Person – We need ­to find a new PR person because Angelee doesn’t have time.

Office Room – Discussion was held about having a mailbox with a lock for checks when people bring money to pay for their classes. It was decided to cut a slot in a file drawer and have a box of envelopes on top of the file cabinet.

Giving – Paula suggested making the Humane Society food drive an annual event. Discussion was held about finding a business to partner with. Paula also shared information about Animeals which is an outreach through the Center for Active Generations.

Fund Raising – Paula announced that there will be an information table at the agility trial, and we will have a raffle.

Future board meetings will be moved from Tuesdays because of a conflict with DHRC meetings. The night for February’s meeting and future meetings will be set based on board members’ availability.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:57.

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