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SEKC Clubhouse

October 13, 2015 - 7:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order by President Paula Spielman.

President’s Report

Paula mentioned that the Christmas party will be held at Old Chicago and will include a food drive for the Humane Society.

Beth Jernberg, Executive Director for the TDI chapter, thanked the club for the use of the building for training and testing.

Secretary’s Report

A second reading was held for Maggie Pearson and her application was approved. A first reading was held for Beth Jernberg­­­­.

Treasurer’s Report

Dee reported that we have $4,470 in checking, $5,102 in savings and $65,000 in investments.

The agility trial made $3,756 and the summer obedience trial lost $532.29. One issue with the obedience trial was the secretary, who didn’t have a contract and wasn’t even at the trial. It has been decided that a contract will be negotiated for next year.

Fall Show

Tracy announced that the numbers are up from last year. We are the only club that is actually up except for Colorado Springs.

We will not be charging admission this year.

The Friday night puppy match will be 2 separate matches. There will be one for puppies 4-12 months old and one for puppies 12 months and older with no major. The match will be held 30 minutes after Best in Show.

Liz gave a report on the vendors.

Tracy mentioned that she would like to offer seminars next year. She also announced that she is planning to stay as show chair for next year.

Public Relations

Mert announced that he is working with Sunny Radio to promote the show, especially the Halloween costume contest. They will be running promotional spots the week of the dog show.

KELO-TV will have a spot on their Thursday morning news show, plus they are coming out to the show for the Saturday night costume parade.

Nominating Committee

Grace Boyce announced the proposed slate of officers for next year: Paula for president, Johna Nielsen for vice-president, Mert Kramer for treasurer, and Jackie Potter for secretary.


Two seminars have been scheduled for next year – an agility seminar April 2 & 3 and an obedience seminar September 9 & 10. The fee hasn’t been set yet for the agility seminar. The obedience seminar will be $225 for a working spot, but the fee hasn’t been set yet for auditing spots.

Other Business

Paula announced that she and Tammie will be meeting to talk about classes.

Title pins were presented to those club members who had requested them for previous titles. Going forward, pins will only be presented for current titles.

Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Cindy Bailey, Secretary

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